Paying out profits from the Taco Shop
In the previous tutorial we have learnt how to setup & interact with the LIGO CLI. Followed an implementation of a simple Taco Shop smart contract for our entrepreneur Pedro.
In this tutorial we will make sure Pedro has access to tokens that people have spent at his shop when buying tacos.
Analysing the Current Contract
module TacoShop = struct
type taco_supply =
current_stock : nat;
max_price : tez
type taco_shop_storage = (nat, taco_supply) map
let buy_taco (taco_kind_index : nat) (taco_shop_storage : taco_shop_storage)
: operation list * taco_shop_storage =
(* Retrieve the taco_kind from the contract's storage or fail *)
let taco_kind =
match Map.find_opt (taco_kind_index) taco_shop_storage with
Some k -> k
| None -> failwith "Unknown kind of taco" in
let current_purchase_price : tez =
taco_kind.max_price / taco_kind.current_stock in
(* We won't sell tacos if the amount is not correct *)
let () =
if (Tezos.get_amount ()) <> current_purchase_price
"Sorry, the taco you are trying to purchase has a different price" in
(* Update the storage decreasing the stock by 1n *)
let taco_shop_storage =
{taco_kind with current_stock = abs (taco_kind.current_stock - 1n)})
taco_shop_storage in
[], taco_shop_storage
let default_storage : TacoShop.taco_shop_storage =
current_stock = 50n;
max_price = 50000000mutez
current_stock = 20n;
max_price = 75000000mutez
namespace TacoShop {
export type taco_supply = { current_stock: nat, max_price: tez };
export type taco_shop_storage = map<nat, taco_supply>;
function buy_taco(taco_kind_index: nat, taco_shop_storage: taco_shop_storage): [
] {
/* Retrieve the taco_kind from the contracts storage or fail */
const taco_kind : taco_supply =
match (Map.find_opt (taco_kind_index, taco_shop_storage)) {
when(Some(kind)): kind;
when(None()): failwith ("Unknown kind of taco")
const current_purchase_price : tez = taco_kind.max_price / taco_kind.current_stock ;
/* We won't sell tacos if the amount is not correct */
if ((Tezos.get_amount ()) != current_purchase_price) {
return failwith ("Sorry, the taco you are trying to purchase has a different price")
} else {
/* Update the storage decreasing the stock by 1n */
const taco_shop_storage = Map.update (
(Some ({...taco_kind, current_stock : abs (taco_kind.current_stock - 1n) })),
taco_shop_storage );
return [list([]), taco_shop_storage]
const default_storage: TacoShop.taco_shop_storage =
[1n, { current_stock: 50n, max_price: 50000000mutez }],
[2n, { current_stock: 20n, max_price: 75000000mutez }]
Purchase Price Formula
Pedro's Taco Shop contract currently enables customers to buy tacos, at a price based on a simple formula.
let current_purchase_price : tez =
taco_kind.max_price / taco_kind.current_stock
const current_purchase_price : tez =
taco_kind.max_price / taco_kind.current_stock
Designing a Payout Scheme
Pedro is a standalone business owner, and in our case, he does not have to split profits and earnings of the taco shop with anyone. So for the sake of simplicity, we will payout all the earned XTZ directly to Pedro right after a successful purchase.
This means that after all the purchase conditions of our contract are met, e.g., the correct amount is sent to the contract, we will not only decrease the supply of the individual purchased taco kind, but we will also transfer this amount in a subsequent transaction to Pedro's personal address.
Forging a Payout Transaction
Defining the Recipient
In order to send tokens, we will need a receiver address, which, in
our case, will be Pedro's personal account. Additionally we will wrap
the given address as a contract (unit)
, which represents either a
contract with no parameters, or an implicit account.
let ownerAddress : address = ("tz1TGu6TN5GSez2ndXXeDX6LgUDvLzPLqgYV" : address)
let receiver : unit contract =
match (Tezos.get_contract_opt ownerAddress : unit contract option) with
Some (contract) -> contract
| None -> (failwith "Not a contract" : unit contract)
const ownerAddress = ("tz1TGu6TN5GSez2ndXXeDX6LgUDvLzPLqgYV" as address)
const receiver : contract<unit> =
match (Tezos.get_contract_opt(ownerAddress) as option<contract<unit>>) {
when(Some(contract)): contract;
when(None()): (failwith ("Not a contract") as contract<unit>)
Would you like to learn more about addresses, contracts and operations in LIGO? Check out the LIGO cheat sheet
Adding the Transaction to the List of Output Operations
Now we can transfer the amount received by buy_taco
to Pedro's
. We will do so by forging a transaction (unit, amount, receiver)
within a list of operations returned at the end of our
let payoutOperation : operation = Tezos.transaction () (Tezos.get_amount ()) receiver
let operations : operation list = [payoutOperation]
const payoutOperation : operation = Tezos.transaction (unit, Tezos.get_amount (), receiver) ;
const operations : list <operation> = list([payoutOperation]);
Finalising the Contract
module TacoShop = struct
type taco_supply =
current_stock : nat;
max_price : tez
type taco_shop_storage = (nat, taco_supply) map
let ownerAddress : address = ("tz1TGu6TN5GSez2ndXXeDX6LgUDvLzPLqgYV" : address)
let buy_taco (taco_kind_index : nat) (taco_shop_storage : taco_shop_storage)
: operation list * taco_shop_storage =
(* Retrieve the taco_kind from the contract's storage or fail *)
let taco_kind =
match Map.find_opt (taco_kind_index) taco_shop_storage with
Some k -> k
| None -> failwith "Unknown kind of taco" in
let current_purchase_price : tez =
taco_kind.max_price / taco_kind.current_stock in
(* We won't sell tacos if the amount is not correct *)
let () =
if (Tezos.get_amount ()) <> current_purchase_price
"Sorry, the taco you are trying to purchase has a different price" in
(* Update the storage decreasing the stock by 1n *)
let taco_shop_storage =
{taco_kind with current_stock = abs (taco_kind.current_stock - 1n)})
taco_shop_storage in
let receiver : unit contract =
match (Tezos.get_contract_opt ownerAddress : unit contract option) with
Some (contract) -> contract
| None -> (failwith "Not a contract" : unit contract) in
let payoutOperation : operation = Tezos.transaction () (Tezos.get_amount ()) receiver in
let operations : operation list = [payoutOperation] in
operations, taco_shop_storage
let default_storage : TacoShop.taco_shop_storage =
current_stock = 50n;
max_price = 50000000mutez
current_stock = 20n;
max_price = 75000000mutez
namespace TacoShop {
export type taco_supply = { current_stock: nat, max_price: tez };
export type taco_shop_storage = map<nat, taco_supply>;
const ownerAddress = ("tz1TGu6TN5GSez2ndXXeDX6LgUDvLzPLqgYV" as address);
const donationAddress = ("tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx" as address);
function buy_taco(taco_kind_index: nat, taco_shop_storage: taco_shop_storage): [
] {
/* Retrieve the taco_kind from the contracts storage or fail */
const taco_kind: taco_supply =
match(Map.find_opt(taco_kind_index, taco_shop_storage)) {
when (Some(kind)):
when (None):
failwith("Unknown kind of taco")
const current_purchase_price: tez =
taco_kind.max_price / taco_kind.current_stock;
/* We won't sell tacos if the amount is not correct */
if ((Tezos.get_amount()) != current_purchase_price) {
return failwith(
"Sorry, the taco you are trying to purchase has a different price"
} else {
/* Update the storage decreasing the stock by 1n */
const taco_shop_storage =
...taco_kind, current_stock: abs(taco_kind.current_stock - 1n)
const receiver : contract<unit> =
match ((Tezos.get_contract_opt (ownerAddress))) {
when(Some(contract)): contract;
when(None()): ((failwith ("Not a contract")))
const donationReceiver : contract<unit> =
match ((Tezos.get_contract_opt (donationAddress))) {
when(Some(contract)): contract;
when(None()): ((failwith ("Not a contract")))
const donationAmount = ((Tezos.get_amount ()) / 10n) as tez;
// Pedro will get 90% of the amount
const op1 = match ((Tezos.get_amount ()) - donationAmount) {
when(Some(x)): Tezos.transaction (unit, x, receiver);
when(None()): failwith ("Insufficient balance")
const op2 = Tezos.transaction (unit, donationAmount, donationReceiver);
const operations : list<operation> = list([ op1 , op2 ]);
return [operations, taco_shop_storage]
const default_storage: TacoShop.taco_shop_storage =
[1n, { current_stock: 50n, max_price: 50000000mutez }],
[2n, { current_stock: 20n, max_price: 75000000mutez }]
Dry-run the Contract
To confirm that our contract is valid, we can dry-run it. As a result, we see a new operation in the list of returned operations to be executed subsequently.
ligo run dry-run taco-shop.mligo --syntax cameligo --amount 1 --entry-point buy_taco 1n "Map.literal [
(1n, { current_stock = 50n; max_price = 50tez }) ;
(2n, { current_stock = 20n; max_price = 75tez }) ;
ligo run dry-run taco-shop.jsligo --syntax jsligo -m TacoShop --amount 1 --entry-point buy_taco '1n' "default_storage"
Operation(...bytes) included in the output
Done! Our tokens are no longer locked in the contract, and instead they are sent to Pedro's personal account/wallet.
👼 Bonus: Donating Part of the Profits
Because Pedro is a member of the Speciality Taco Association (STA), he
has decided to donate 10% of the earnings to the STA. We will just
add a donationAddress
to the contract, and compute a 10% donation
sum from each taco purchase.
let ownerAddress : address = ("tz1TGu6TN5GSez2ndXXeDX6LgUDvLzPLqgYV" : address)
let donationAddress : address = ("tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx" : address)
let receiver : unit contract =
match ((Tezos.get_contract_opt ownerAddress) : unit contract option) with
Some contract -> contract
| None -> ((failwith "Not a contract") : unit contract)
let donationReceiver : unit contract =
match ((Tezos.get_contract_opt donationAddress) : unit contract option) with
Some contract -> contract
| None -> ((failwith "Not a contract") : unit contract)
let donationAmount : tez = (Tezos.get_amount ()) / 10n
let operations : operation list =
// Pedro will get 90% of the amount
let op = match ((Tezos.get_amount ()) - donationAmount) with
| Some x -> Tezos.transaction () x receiver
| None -> (failwith "Insufficient balance")
[ op ; Tezos.transaction () donationAmount donationReceiver ]
const ownerAddress = ("tz1TGu6TN5GSez2ndXXeDX6LgUDvLzPLqgYV" as address);
const donationAddress = ("tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx" as address);
const receiver : contract<unit> =
match ((Tezos.get_contract_opt (ownerAddress)) as option<contract<unit>>) {
when(Some(contract)): contract;
when(None()): ((failwith ("Not a contract")) as contract<unit>)
const donationReceiver : contract<unit> =
match ((Tezos.get_contract_opt (donationAddress)) as option<contract<unit>>) {
when(Some(contract)): contract;
when(None()): ((failwith ("Not a contract")) as contract<unit>)
const donationAmount = ((Tezos.get_amount ()) / 10n) as tez;
// Pedro will get 90% of the amount
const op1 = match ((Tezos.get_amount ()) - donationAmount) {
when(Some(x)): Tezos.transaction (unit, x, receiver);
when(None()): failwith ("Insufficient balance")
const op2 = Tezos.transaction (unit, donationAmount, donationReceiver);
const operations : list<operation> = list([ op1 , op2 ]);
This will result into two operations being subsequently executed on the blockchain:
- Donation transfer (10%)
- Pedro's profits (90%)